piatok 20.10.2023

UNHCR a UNICEF podporia zraniteľné skupiny utečencov na Slovensku jednorazovou pomocou na zimné potreby

UNHCR & UNICEF will support refugees with vulnerabilities in Slovakia with one-time assistance for winter needs. УВКБ ООН та ЮНІСЕФ підтримають вразливі групи біженців у Словаччині одноразовою допомогою на зимові товари

UNHCR a UNICEF v spolupráci s vládou SR podporia ukrajinské rodiny, osoby bez štátnej príslušnosti a štátnych príslušníkov tretích krajín postihnutých vojnou na Ukrajine a ďalších utečencov a žiadateľov o azyl na Slovensku, ktorí čelia rizikám ochrany alebo sú v extrémnej situácii.  jednorazovým núdzovým peňažným príspevkom na zimné výdavky v roku 2023, ako sú prikrývky, zimné oblečenie a obuv, jedlo, služby atď.

UNHCR & UNICEF will support refugees with vulnerabilities in Slovakia with one-time assistance for winter needs
UNHCR and UNICEF, in cooperation with the Slovak Government, will support Ukrainian families, stateless persons and third-country nationals affected by the war in Ukraine, and other refugees and asylum seekers in Slovakia who face protection risks or who are in a situation of extreme vulnerability, with a one-time emergency cash transfer for winter expenses in 2023, such as blankets, winter clothes and shoes, meals, utilities, etc.

Cash assistance for winter needs will be provided to individuals and families in a situation of vulnerability to minimize protection risks and support their basic needs.

Every registered refugee [odidenec] who was eligible for UNHCR-UNICEF Cash for refugees with vulnerabilities in Slovakia in 2023 will receive the Winter Cash Assistance automatically and does not need to approach the registration sites

APPOINTMENT NEEDED: If you are a new arrival from Ukraine or another country where you faced war or persecution, and meet the eligibility criteria, you can make an appointment through this online form or by calling the UNHCR-UNICEF Helpline. Your appointment request will be reviewed by UNHCR.
Please visit the online form to make your appointment for enrolment with UNHCR for Cash for winter needs in Slovakia.

Each case is assessed on its merits and the final decision is made by UNHCR based on the outcome of an in-person inter
view. You can review the eligibility criteria for Cash Assistance 

The decision on your eligibility to receive cash assistance for winter needs will be communicated to you by SMS.
Cash assistance for winter needs will be a one-time payment of 150 EUR per person, with a maximum of 400 EUR per family. The payment will be provided via your Slovak bank account or Western Union.
In case of any questions, please call the UNHCR-UNICEF Helpline:
Toll-Free Line: 0800 22 12 30 (calls from Slovak tel. number)
Regular landline: +421 2 22 11 56 50 (calls from non-Slovak tel. number)
Monday to Friday (working days), 8 AM – 8 PM

Cash Assistance 2023 - UNHCR Slovakia
